So how did I use the law of attraction for myself and turn my life around and how can I say I have a law of attraction success story worthy of you reading any longer???
Well my story is one of when I put the law of attraction into action things just seemed to happen and fall into place whether I was aware of it or not. That’s the weird thing about the law of attraction and putting your thoughts into the universe and then letting them go and trusting in it and trusting that it will work and bring into existence into the 3d form.
Remember with the law of attraction thoughts are things, so what you think about you will attract and manifest into your life whether you realize it or not!
So what was my Law of attraction success story and what’s happened today?
So ten years ago I was living in London I tried and tied to get to work with this biz partner I wanted to work with. I tried everything but things never seemed to quiet happen. Then I found the law of attraction I followed the set of rules which you can find on here, I set out clearly what I wanted did what was needed like what I teach above with visualization, exercises changing my beliefs but I have in my mind exactly what I wanted and I put it to the universe, the universe knew exactly what was needed and was going to show me the way and manifest exactly what I needed to get to my goals.
Now I thought this would be based on another project, but again because I tried to force that it just never worked, this time I just let it go I didn’t push it and let the universe manifest to me in the fastest and greatest possible way it knew how.
So I was at a conference and low and behold he was there we got chatting I told him about a serviced apartment I just started, he then said the hotel we were in he is buying.
He showed me around I quickly then saw an easy opportunity as he kept saying it’s a big project and was looking for someone, I saw what was needed and that night when home emailed him..
“Hey Paul, loved meeting you again today, loved the hotel got a few ideas based on what I think you can use” I never asked him or pushed him I just gave him a ton of free advice on what he could do.
Guess what next day he said right want you on board what do you need…That was it we were away…
So 3 years later my goals and dreams changed and so did everything else.
When your looking for law of attraction success story’s remember whatever you think the universe will act so it’s better off learning how to control to only attract into your life that which is good and what you actually want to manifest.
For me that has now always been, to just be grateful, love life and keep your vibration high, put it like this you cant attract or manifest bad things if your so happy the universe wont allow it and even if it did guess what your so happy and grateful that bad thing is just gone!
Basically my time at the hotel I believed had come to an end, covid 19 struck I was day trading and making good money I had dreams of fast cars big houses trips away, with the hotel I just couldn’t see it, so I then put the manifestation of law of attraction to use. I visualized and meditated and set out what I wanted, well ONE week later I was offered the FULL amount for what I put into the hotel, now I was still 50/50 I was so torn.

I then asked the universe to show me taking this was the right move or not. I was shown next day a top trader offered to personally coach me as part of a new program! I was like now this is spoooky…..That was what I needed so I took it and been trading ever since my income level has tripled in the space of a week or so!
Then I decided to as you can see start this law of attraction blog site to show you more success stories and how you can use the power of LOA in your life, I saw the law of attraction when used correctly as your keys to what you really want in your life. Life is meant to be enjoyed – manifesting into it what you want is easy, but you have to know what you’re doing.
For me and my law of attraction success stories is not down to luck, I think hard work and using the power of the universe is vital for anyone looking to bring something into their life.
When I first started this my beliefs and goals where low but that came with experience, looking back I would of not just stayed at the hotel but used that as a stepping board however manifestation and the law of attraction is all about confidence and belief that it does work and it works for you.
So my law of attraction success stories have educated me to do this, below I will list them in bullet form…Then if you want to find out more on each subject simply search above we have other 100 articles, techniques and coaching help you help you grow and use the power of the law of attraction in your life today.
- – Write down your goals clearly (get so clear about what it is you want)
- – Get a journal and write in it every day what you want.
- – Think positive thoughts (you will manifest positive things, think negative and you will attract negative things)
- – Visualize everyday what you want (close your eyes and see yourself in possession of what you want)
- – Be grateful every day for what you have and for what you’re going to receive in your life
- – Get a vision Board and put in your bedroom or office of what it is you want!
- – Do this EVERYDAY
Now give this 30-60 days and you will start to see things appearing and things start to change, but as I said above don’t push it let the universe and the law of attraction do its thing.
I really hope you have enjoyed my law of attraction success story and hope you can see this is powerful and will give you the tools to attract and manifest whatever it is you want into your life.
If you liked this articles on law of attraction success stories check out the links below where I have handpicked a few amazing law of attraction and manifestation articles that you can use today to help you manifest what it is you want into your life.
Discover how to change your mindset today and get to your goals faster!
How to use a law of attraction journal to manifest things faster
25 positive affirmation to use everyday to live the best life
How to visualise properly and visualise what you want and feel like you have it
Grow a grateful heart and manifest faster
4 steps to creating a compelling and powerful vision board