Did you recognise that you can utilise affirmations to attract money? You can use them every day, but they must be powerful money affirmations.

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The best money affirmations are those that are powerful and resonate deep within you and change the way you feel and how you think.

Below we have listed the very best positive affirmations for money that you can use to attract money into your life.


Positive Affirmations For Money: HOW DOES IT WORK?


Affirmations to attract money can really change your life it can bring and manifest into your life all the money and wealth you need. Yet before you start using money affirmations you actually need to think that you are entitled to this extra cash coming into your life. In order to have actual money and cash come into your life you need to be repeatedly saying these positive affirmations for money or writing several of the affirmations to bring in cash, in this instance.

It is necessary that when you say these powerful money affirmations you do it with belief feeling inside and believe that you have the power to transform your life using these affirmations to attract money.

One of the huge problems people have is that they do not think they deserve what they are wanting so using money affirmations isn’t really of worthwhile as if you don’t think or believe you can it simply won’t work.

People however very rarely admit to this and so it can be hard to identify they have this issue. And also if you do not believe you are in fact worthy of even more cash, these money affirmations will not attract money or manifest money into your life. You have to think feel and believe that you are entitled to everything that you want to manifest into your life.

Start attracting more wealth today

So before anything will manifest into your life using positive affirmations for money you have to think feel and believe that you can and that your are worthy.

An efficient way to keep daily affirmations to attract money handy and easy to look at is to write down your best ones or the ones you feel do the best for you in  notebook, post-its or cards, which must always be close to you, so they can be read out loud.

It is necessary to keep positive affirmations for money in today’s voice, assuming your desires are already occurring. This exercise will certainly alter the method you assume and also you’re the way you see what you truly desire in life, aiding these desires to come real.


Bear in mind that the powerful money affirmations to attract money more wealth or cash into your life are to be stated in a positive present-tense moment. They are everything about cash, abundance and prosperity and you ought to duplicate them loud till they become your ideas.


  1. I would like an abundant and happy life
  2. I say yes to financial freedom for me and everyone around me
  3. I receive unexpected checks in the mail
  4. Money comes to me from many sources
  5. Money does grow on trees
  6. I turn away from any doubt and will keep going until I am financially free
  7. Sharing my abundance with others makes me feel good
  8. I love money and money loves me
  9. I enjoy financial freedom
  10. I deserve all good things
  11. With the gesture of the palms of my hands facing upwards, welcome money to come into my life
  12. I open myself to the possibility that I can have financial freedom
  13. I am receiving more money today
  14. I make the decision to become wealthy
  15. I enjoy the freedom that money brings to my daily life
  16. Abundance and prosperity is my birthright. I deserve to be wealthy
  17. I wish good fortune and happiness for myself and everyone
  18. I love sharing my abundance with my loved ones
  19. The universe conspires to give me everything I need
  20. My intention is for financial freedom for myself and everyone
  21. Everyday in every way my wealth in increasing
  22. I know that I am worth of wealth right now, just as I am.
  23. I am attracting more and more money every day
  24. There is an abundance of money and its on its way to me
  25. I am grateful for all the money I have received in my life
  26. The Universe wants everyone to live in abundance
  27. I spend money wisely
  28. The world has never been richer, and I am open to being richer too
  29. I intend financial freedom
  30. Financial freedom is easy
  31. I allow money to flow to me in large quantities
  32. I deserve money so I can do everything I want to do in this life
  33. I am a wealth creator
  34. I am excited by other people receiving money
  35. I am becoming richer by the second
  36. I have more than enough money
  37. Money belongs to me


So there you have it 37 of the best affirmations to attract money into your life today.

Use these 37 positive affirmations for money everyday simply by stating to them remember you need to be in a positive frame of mind to manifest more money into your life. These positive affirmations for money work when your are in a state of gratitude and a state of feeling like you deserve them.


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