In every life situation or a life challenge, every day, you are constantly affirming. Maybe you are using different Affirmations consciously, but, there is a huge chance that you are unconsciously using some Affirmations, which, let’s be honest, won’t help you to attract and manifest the things you are hoping to experience. Totally opposite, with using Affirmations unconsciously, there is a big chance that you will attract and manifest precisely the things that you don’t want to experience, by using these powerful self love affirmations you can make your life better.
Let’s explain the difference between conscious and unconscious Affirming, or if you want, between positive and negative Affirmations.
You see, we are attracting and manifesting different things into our lives with the help of a few things: our deepest beliefs, our thoughts, our focus, the emotions that we experience, and of course, in the end, with the vibration that we emitted.
Affirmations are crucial when it comes to creating deep beliefs and at the same time, Affirmations are responsible for the emotions that we will experience and the vibration that will appear from those emotions.
To affirm consciously means to consciously choose the proper Affirmations that are going to serve us in a good way. For example, if you have some kind of a challenge related to your health state, and you want to change that with Affirmation, you will probably choose an Affirmation such as: ”As time passes, my health is becoming better and better”. And this Affirmation is great because, with constant repeating, these words will become a part of your mind, you will soon create a strong belief that your health state is indeed becoming better and better, and you will instantly experience positive emotions while saying this Affirmation. All these things will reflect on your vibration, and with that high vibration, you will attract and manifest yourself healed. And that is how Affirmations can help you in manifesting the things that you want to experience.
Ok, we saw how when you choose your Affirmations consciously you can create a reality where you are experiencing desired things. But, can the opposite thing also happen? Can the Affirmations create a reality where you are experiencing unwanted manifestations? The answer is an absolute yes!
Unfortunately, an enormous number of people are constantly doing precisely that. Affirming unconsciously and affirming with negative Affirmations, instead of using the positive ones. For example, let’s say that at the moment you don’t have enough money, let’s say that you are experiencing some kind of a financial crisis. During those moments there is a big chance that the thoughts such as “Oh, this month I won’t be able to pay the bills”, or, “There is no way that I will find enough money to buy that thing”, etc. You see, these negative thoughts that you are constantly repeating inside your head, these thoughts are actually negative Affirmations that you are using unconsciously!
And these Affirmations will leave the same effect as the positive ones. If you repeat these negative Affirmations for enough amount of time, they will stay in your mind as strong beliefs. They will cause negative emotions inside of you, and at the same time, they will lower your vibration. And with all those things together, you will manifest precisely the things that you have been unconsciously affirming for, in this case, that is a reality with not enough money.
As you can see, Affirmations are an extremely powerful Law of Attraction tool for creating a reality and for manifesting different experiences into your everyday life. It is just a matter of how you are going to use this tool. Are you going to allow yourself to affirm unconsciously and attract the things that you don’t want to experience, or you are going to be clever, use this amazing tool consciously and attract the reality you’ve been dreaming about. We suggest this second scenario.
Another important thing to remember is the fact that everything starts with you! You are the creator of your life, you are the one who has the power to attract all of the things that you want. But, in order to achieve that, first, you need to be completely satisfied with who you are, and you need to love yourself! That’s why it would be great if you would take some time to affirm with some Self-love Affirmations! They will instantly make you feel good and they will help your vibration to grow!
We’ve created a few self-love Affirmations that you can use on daily basis and here they are:
Today, I am even a better version of myself than I was yesterday.
I have strength, love, and beauty inside of me.
I am aware of all my qualities, and I know that other people are also aware of that.
I respect myself, and that’s why I get respect from all the others.

I completely accept everything that I am now, my good sides and the ones that I want to modify.
I have boundaries and I am sticking to them.
Making a mistake is helping my inner being to grow, and that’s why I am fine with making a mistake from time to time.
I just love the person that I am right now, and that self-love that I have for myself is reflected in all segments of my life.
Other people notice how good relationships I have with my inner being, and that’s why other people love to have me as a company.
As time passes, I learn how to stand up for myself.
I have an understanding of myself.
I am at peace with everything that I do.
I am at peace with who I am and with who I will become.
I am grateful for all the past decisions that I have made because all those decisions from the past made me the person that I am today.
Oh, it feels so good to love yourself the way that I love me.
Oh, it feels so good to have this kind of relationship with yourself.
So there you go a few self love affirmations for you to use each and everyday in your life!
For more great ideas and help in manifesting or just being happier in your life please take a look at these articles.
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