Have you heard of the amazingly simple “pillow Method”
Just listen to my FREE law of attraction mp3 every night before bed to speed up your manifestation!
This amazing idea is to every night before bed write down an affirmation on a piece of paper and place it underneath your pillow. You do this every night until that goal or affirmation comes true, so if it were to get a better job simply write.
“I will manifest an amazing job where I’m paid more”
So simply write this every night, remember to write it new each time. Writing your goal or affirmation has been shown to put more thought and feeling into that goal or affirmation meaning it will more likely manifest into your life faster.
So why does this pillow method work so well and why should you add it to your manifestation process?
- As you sleep this help re wire your sub conscious mind patterns whilst you sleep. So you have heard of make money whilst you sleep you now how rewire your brain whilst you sleep!
- Just think your last thoughts of the day are now positive thoughts instead of negative or something on TV your last thought will be your goal or affirmation this is very powerful.
- One of the most important part of the law of attraction and manifesting is “letting go” its putting out there your goal and just letting the universe deal with it. This method makes full use of it. Just think you have now put out there your goal, and as you fall asleep you have now let it go in the eyes of the universe so this is a great way to manifest things fast.
So start tonight by writing down great affirmations and goals and things you want to manifest into your life and let the power of sleep and letting go take other and bring into life what it is you desire.
Like this article check out these other amazing law of attraction techniques to manifest what you desire.
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The 55×5 method use it today with the pillow method to boost your manifesting!
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