Turn an negative in a positive and lead one hell of a good life!
Throughout the day we often come across and have to deal with situations with make us feel down or have negative vibes against us it might be something not going right for us or a bit of bad news. This can often bring us all the way down and keep us down, however if we know how to turn a negative into a positive we can then bring us back round and makes sure the negative experience does not effect our day.
These scenarios do not need to be big and remarkable, they could actually be tiny incidents or events which you think have no bearing on your mind or your day but actually when put together have a huge detrimental effect on it and can actually cause ill effects to your health and well being if not dealt with and looked after properly.! So the ability to see this happening and then being able to turn a negative into a positive is vital. As you will find out its far more exciting being positive than negative.
By working on and making sure most of the time you have a positive mindset you will complete more and in faster time, love far better, be happier in love, smile regularly, laugh and simply feel excellent, both psychologically as well as physically.
Unfortunately, we are programmed to see negative events and things well before anything positive, its is our instinct to protect ourselves from harm. We act out of fear far more than love. So staying on a positive path being able to turn a negative to a positive and making sure you don’t let negative experiences or events affect us does take some work but the pay off from it far outweighs any effort!
So what do we mean a negative experience and how can it spiral and lets say make our day even worse?
Well one instance we have all seen we have woken up and tried to get ready for work we are late, we are rushing around the kids are also late and rushing cleaning your teeth tooth paste goes everywhere, that brand new shirt ruined! You have breakfast the toast burns, the kids cant find there shoes…Your now late and really in a negative state of mind you finally get on the road but wait huge traffic jams kids are fighting you are now so negative that the rest oft eh day is seen just through negative eyes, so even when something good happens you don’t see it!
Then you get to work and the same spiral happens and it just gets louder and louder. So this is where we need to learn to observe this and change our mindset to one of positivity!
Can you see how vital and important being able to turn a negative into a positive is vital for our lives and how happy we are in them? You could lead the best life possible everything goes right, however you will still have bad things happen, its life, but it is your way you deal with this which will set out how happy you are.
So as we can see negativity only breeds negativity, you seen it before with negative people, they only hang around or seem to attract people who are negative!
But on the flip side positivity attracts positively it works both ways and works every time so which side would you rather be on then? Yes I’m sure the positive side that’s where good things happen and happiness is.
So if you want to use more positively in your life starting today why not try these ten things today and see how much it can effect your life!
- Laugh
So when something upsets you find humour in it, yes I know basic but works so well…So if someone does wrong towards you laugh it off say something like god they must be really miserable glad I’m not like that! Or with the toothpaste think god what a cluts I am and that will be that! This is a great way to turn a negative into a positive amazingly fast.
- Smile
Now this trick was first introduced by Tony Robbins helping people with depression its so simple but works so well, just stand in front of a mirror and smile! Yes that’s it you will find yourself feeling better
- See what going on around you
Stop for one moment and take a look around you, take a look at the beauty and realise what a wonderful world we live in. Also take a look at everyone else and realise everyone else has problems and issues and some probably far bigger than yours so take head your not the only one and this will hopefully make you realise that say the traffic jam isn’t really that big or worthwhile clogging your thoughts.

- It’s simply a moment in time
This one is my favourite one, so you just need to remember that what ever is going on is just that moment in time and will pass. Meaning no matter how bad that makes you feel or whatever has happened to you is just that, its just that very moment and going forward it won’t be there to affect you. What you may think is awful in this moment in one minute or a few hours’ time will have gone and you will think wow that didn’t really affect me at all did it!
- Tell a joke, reviewed a joke
Yep this is an easy one and can instantly turn a negative into positive and change your mind to one that is positive. Go online or Facebook and just search for jokes, does not matter how bad they are as long as they make you smile and change your mood your mind and sub conscious mind will love you for it!
Cheers to a positive day!
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If you enjoyed this article on hot to Turn a negative into positive please take a look at these articles to get more on how to change your mindset and manifest more of what you want into your life.
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